Saturday, September 3, 2011


Talk to someone with experience when it comes to going enroute to the healthy highway! Take it from me, reading up on how 'celebrities' do it isn't going to get you the WHOLE way through. It might work for a month or two, but when you talk to someone who has experienced what you are trying to go through. You WILL feel more encouraged. Trust me!

I was lucky enough to have gotten advice from Naina. We were in the same college, but NEVER said a word to each other. But, i noticed how hard she worked, and noticed the change she went through and i just HAD to ask how she did it, and she really helped me think of everything in a different perspective. (THANK YOU!
Check out her health based blog Muffin Top Cop and read up on her advice! It's good! (She also has a fashion blog SidewalkCatwalk, it is just as good!) 

Sharing experiences will help you kick that barrier that is stopping you from your true potential!

So, go for it! Talk to someone! Whether it's a friend, or someone you've admired for their achievements, just do it! I DARE YOU! (you'll feel better)

Nobody needs to be alone when it comes to the journey of healthy! 

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