Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Red Red Walls.

Photos taken by Jon Henson

This is me, back in... 2009(i think) in Melaka, Malaysia.
I think flip flops are the most comfy items in the world, and shades are essentials.

Sunglasses : Oakley Ski Shades
Flip Flop: NightMarket
Dress: Bangkok.. need i say more?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

cozeh weekend

Perfect for the weekend! (image from tumblr)

Every since i can remember, i have always LOVED the idea of a studio apartment. The space and the lighting just appeals to me so much! I just had to share this awesome studio apartment layout! It's so simple, yet so complete!

So, it's Thursday night on my side of the world, and i'm already considering it a weekend, since i don't have classes on Friday. (hoooooraaaay!)

This weekends sorta agenda:
  • Finish reading One Day. (been holding off for too long!)
  • Start getting back on track with school work
  • Organize my computer, it's a mess
  • Sketch
  • Organize my music.
  • Paint my nails
  • Workout.
  • Spend time with family.

What are YOUR weekend plans?

Fit Tip #5 Grab Breakfast!

Big Breakfast @ Mr.Pot

This is a BIG mistake everyone does. Breakfast is probably one of the most important meals of the entire day. Breakfast is what makes your diet worth while. 

Facts on breakfast:

  • People who eat breakfast tend to be slimmer than those who skip breakfast.
  • Breakfast provides vitamins and energy to help along with the day.
  • Eating breakfast contributes to cognitive performance - it improves concentration.
  • What you choose to eat at breakfast can affect your mood. (And even your physical performance)

Sometimes, we're rushing to college, or work... and there's no time to have breakfast. If that's always the case for you, then prep the night before! That way you can grab and go! The healthier your breakfast is, the better it is! So don't opt for Mcd's breakfast just cause it's 'easy'... go for something that will actually HELP you. 

Stock up on cereal bars, and fruits and you can rush out the house with a satisfied belly, and a bright day!

What i (usually) have for breakfast:
  • Cereal
  • Green Tea (occasionally, i'll have my dose of coffee)
  • Any fruit/yogurt i can get a hold of.

If your feeling up for it, treat yourself to a nice home cooked breakfast with pancakes and what not! So, hurry on and get started! 

Breakfast really is the KEY! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Defeat It.

Ever had one of those weeks where EVERYTHING goes wrong? Well, it's only Wednesday, and i'm gone through a windmill of things. Who knew so many bad/hurtful things could happen one after another.


I think that life, in general is all a test. It's an exam of endurance, strength and abilities. All of these are tested.

I believe in "everything happens for a reason"... or at least i try to. Every time something bad happens to me, i will ALWAYS find ways to make it positive... as difficult as it is, it must be done.

After every experience, we become new people. Our minds are somewhat refreshed, and we see things slightly differently.

I'm still at my lowest point now, and i am not going to put a fake smile on my face to get through it, i am going to cry all the tears i can, break all the things i want, and fight all the fights i need to.. because nothing is ever complete until you DEAL WITH IT.

Pretending is just another form of hiding. So, don't hide. Say all you need to say, deal with what you need to deal with, they way YOU feel is best.
Don't care about what others might think. Think of how YOU will feel. Because at the end of the day, you are going through this rough patch, and you are the only one who is feeling what your feeling.

Only YOU can relate to yourself... so deal with it, then only can you defeat that pain.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Bye Bisou.

Spending the days in... trying to recover.
It's harder then i had thought.
I miss him.

Shade of Swirls

photos from tumblr.com

WANT. Who doesn't?
I am a sucker for shoes AND sunglasses, and this  Prada 'Baroque' Round Sunglasses
ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS. Elegant and fun at the same time.

Stars like Olivia Wilde and Mary-Kate Olsen are pulling these shades perfectly!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tip #4 - Munch on the greens!

Portuguese Salad with chicken from Nandos!
A salad a day keeps the doctor away! 
or at least, thats what i tell myself!

Always find the time to add a small salad into your daily meals! It will not only help with your digestion, but it'll also make you feel a boost on the healthy grounds!

Think of salad as... rice.. or bread.. you can have anything you want on top of it.. without filling the amount of guilt you get from the rice/bread.

Personally, i love having a simple salad with pan fried chicken! It's easy to make, and tasteful!

BUT.. the sauce is important too! NEVER go for thick cream/mayo filled sauces, it's the evil demon that sneaks to your bottom! If your eating in a restaurant, get the sauce on the side, that way you can control how much you take in.

Check out some interesting salad ideas by the Undressed Skeleton! You really will never get bored of a salad!

So if you haven't had a salad yet, then hurry into the kitchen and make one!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sunday: Lazy Day!

Teen-Vogue handbook, the best teacher out there!

Today's agenda:

  • Sipping on good hot coffee
  • Download new music (gimmie suggestions!)
  • Organizing folders/bookmarks
  • Continue reading - One Day by David Nicholls
  • Exploring the world of Adobe Flash/After Effects for my upcoming assignment.
  • Sketch new things. (atleast attempt to)
  • Catch up on movies with the boyfriend.



Wedges are probably the type of heels that catch my attention the fastest. It's comfortable and pretty easy to walk in! It's good for girls like me, who can barely stand straight on my bare feet!

BUT, there are PRO's and Con's to these heels!


  • Easy to walk in... much easier then stilettos.
  • It is versatile.. it can give the casual look, but it can also go with a ore dressed up outfit.
  • It makes the legs look small! (Who doesn't want that?)
  • It wont hurt as much if you step on other peoples feet.
  • Heels are heels. Despite the chunky outlook, don't be fooled... you can't run a marathon in them. 
  • Does not always go well with tight figure hugging clothes. 

Today, i walked into Aldo and found these four gorgeous heels. TOOO DIE FOR I TELL YOU!
But, this always happens when there is no 'caaaa-chiiings' in the pockets.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Starbucks and Magazines

My two favorite things.

Two days ago, i brought my dog over to the vet and had some time to kill, so my boyfriend and i decided to grab some magazines, and head over for breakfast at Starbucks. (Well, coffee is my staple breakfast on lazy days).

This months issue of CLEO (Malaysia) is really worth it! There is a few nice free gifts, but also, the articles are such good reads! I honestly stopped buying CLEO for awhile ( I used to buy is every month, religiously) But then the magazines content got smaller but heavier because of all the advertisements put inside. 

Here are a few of the "Say No" Ideas:

1.) "Loan you $50?" I'd love to, but my astrologer says I need to save up every dollar to pay       off my karmic dept. 

 2.) I could definately help you if i weren't so busy Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

3.) Ask me again another time. I'm rushing off now. Got plenty of reading between the lines to do.

4.) This weekend is not going to work for me. I have to go look for my mind, i seem to have lost it.


ANYWAYS, this months edition of CLEO involves Money Talk and a few really good make up tips 
(if your into that) 
But there is one article that good me giggling, and i just have to share. 

Also, for the men out their... This edition of Mens Fitness is pretty good too! Actually, even the girls can learn a few interesting things. 

That's all for now!
I'm going to go make me some lunch, and watch a lil' more of Big Bang Theory!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tip #3! - To the Do... List!

I've got about 2 more hours until my next class and i am taking a break from my assignments.
Well, here comes tip number THREE!

TAKE NOTE! Make a TO-DO list!

I'm sure we've all ready that you should write down everything you eat. Well, it's true! I used to think, Pfffft, i can remember it all. But when really, i didn't. In fact, my memory is similar to a goldfish.

Here my suggestion, write down what you want to eat the night before! That way, you will avoid temptations, and you will also know what to prepare in order to avoid rushing. Ofcourse, you don't have to follow everything you write down, you are allowed to sneak in a couple of things here and there. Just remember to write it DOWN!
Once you start to jot down everything, you will learn from what you do each day, and you will try to change things the next day.

Here is an example of how my notebook looks like:

To-do lists are the BEST things to stay organized... whether it's for health or school work. It's a brilliant way to stay on track!..... and it's also a way to relieve yourself from STRESS. Don't believe me? Read more about it here!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fit Tip #2 - Think HEALTHY not SKINNY.

ALL of us make this mistake. 
We think that the LESS we eat, the skinner we get. 

Check out the difference of the SAME amount of calories

But, did you know that if you were to half a cheeseburger, you are more likely to gain more weight then eating 2 bowls of salad with pan fried chicken, eggs whites, and a combo of different vegetables?
(And, it'll probably fill you up more and longer through out the day!)

It's hard in the beginning, but when you get used to it.. you will regret having EVER eating fast food. 

Okay now, i know it's hard to think healthy when your young, and you want to hang outside with friends. But there are options you can take when your eating out. Here are some tips on eating in & out of the house! 

Tips on Eating OUT
  • Green Away. Choose the greenest thing you find on the menu!
  • Say no to carbs. Avoid heavy carbs (potatoe based dishes, rice, pasta)
  • Share your meal. They do say sharing is caring for a reason. Splitting the meal in half will also split the calories in half!
  • Keep the sauces to the side. Whether it's for the salad, or the gravy for the chicken, keep it aside! 
  • Plan before hand. Think of possible places you can eat at that has healthy options. 
  • Go H2O! Avoid any sugary drinks cause those = calories! Always opt for water or tea (unsweetened ofcourse). 
Tips on Eating IN

  • Full Fridge. Fill the fridge with anything and everything healthy. Leave no temptations. (Salads, Yougurt, fruits, vegetables, cereal)
  • Green Tea Sips. Drink GREEN TEA! Not only is it full of anti-oxidines, it also hydrates you a  little more then water. And, it tastes good. 
  • Plan beforehand. List out the possible meals you could make with whats in your fridge. It saves time, and it stops you from searching for anything snackable. 

So when picking up your next lunch, think HEALTHY not SKINNY!

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Talk to someone with experience when it comes to going enroute to the healthy highway! Take it from me, reading up on how 'celebrities' do it isn't going to get you the WHOLE way through. It might work for a month or two, but when you talk to someone who has experienced what you are trying to go through. You WILL feel more encouraged. Trust me!

I was lucky enough to have gotten advice from Naina. We were in the same college, but NEVER said a word to each other. But, i noticed how hard she worked, and noticed the change she went through and i just HAD to ask how she did it, and she really helped me think of everything in a different perspective. (THANK YOU!
Check out her health based blog Muffin Top Cop and read up on her advice! It's good! (She also has a fashion blog SidewalkCatwalk, it is just as good!) 

Sharing experiences will help you kick that barrier that is stopping you from your true potential!

So, go for it! Talk to someone! Whether it's a friend, or someone you've admired for their achievements, just do it! I DARE YOU! (you'll feel better)

Nobody needs to be alone when it comes to the journey of healthy! 

Friday, September 2, 2011


I will be sharing my personal experiences and what helped helps  me best when it comes to weight struggles! I will posting 1-3 tips a day! (How else am i going to get you guys to keep reading my blog!) I hope this series will help you guys as much as it has helped!

Sneak Preview: #1 Talk to Someone!